DWA Ecology Logo Design

DWA Ecology Logo Design
Creating a logos we have to get a real understanding of the people behind the logo and how the logo needs to work the the business. DWA Ecology logo design was no different, We had David over and got to know him and all about the company. Wanting for identify all the divisions and ecological areas DWA were active in, a multi icon logo was the main focus for the initial concepts. From the meeting the style of th existing log as given as a starting point. Running with this, a line based design in a boarded icon was the route we went down.

Early vector line logo contents for DWA Ecology

Providing both ecological and arboricultural consultancy specialising in surveys for protected species in relation to planning and development, including bats, badgers, great crested newts, reptiles and birds as well as flora and fauna it was difficult to nail to down to just three, so we extended with concepts to five icons. Switching from lined icons to solid to allow the logo design to work in smaller places it would be used 

DWA Ecology Logo Concepts

Not knowing our pipstril from our fruit bats a number of bats designs came and went, managing to avoid the BATMAN logo entirely we did fly close the the Smirnoff logo, not helped by the fact we had it in a red icon. After a few more meetings with David it became clear the badger icon and colouring was a stand out favourite so concentrating on that a final version of the logo and all its variations were created and can now be seen across all the DWA branding.

All the brand development for all the other logos will not go to waste and will be division retailed along with their colours for reports and areas of the website. 

DWA Ecology final logo design

Deer Park Action Group Logo Design

Deer Park Action Group Logo Design Download

When campaigners for the Deer Park Action Group called on us for signatures for their petition, we offered our services to help support a worth cause. The Deer Park Action Group has been set up to protect the Deer Park in Old Catton, Norwich from construction development. We had already signed up the the Facebook page so we could keep up to date on the news on the Old Catton landmark.

Kathy Branson, the chairwoman of the Deer Park Action Group got in contact a few days later asking if we could help out with a logo for all their platforms both digital and printed. We jumped at the task working from a quick sketch Kathy and sent over. Our early concept had a silhouette of the recently born foal with its distinctive white nose markings. The feedback came through from the group to replace the horse with a deer and add in a few birds for good measure and to establish the extent of the nature that calls the park home. A couple of changes later and the logo was finalised. We’re looking forward to see our logo popping up all over Old Catton in the coming weeks.

Use the links below to download the logo. Just right click the logo and select the save as option.

Deer Park Action Group Logo Design

One door closes and another one opens

Dessert Lounge Norwich One door closes another opens

One door closes and another one opens, never a truer word said. When the sad news that a client was going to close its was more than upsetting. Having watched the Andy and the team go from logo thru signage production and menu design, tasting the all their delicious wares along the way we felt like part of the team.

Sweet beginnings

A few short weeks after the Smokehouse shut it doors for the last time Andy sent the new owners our way to continue where we had left off.

New Logo Design

The new team had a model they wanted to follow and whilst paying homage to the Norwich Smokehouse original logo. So let’s face it they came to the right place. With only a screen grab and reference to the London takeaway we set out the logo design. Knowing we’d need to to work in signage and website but also as an avatar we created a logo that could be adapted to work in all arenas. Looking to be as cost effective as possible an early candidate for the logo was sent over to the guys.

Dessert Lounge Norwich Logo concept and Final version

With just a font change from our first concept the new brand was created for Dessert Lounge Norwich. As with all our logo designs we created the reversed and avatar versions to be used in all the usual social media platforms.

Shop Signage Design

Having worked on the signage for Norwich Smokehouse we had all the measurements and files on hand to create the Dessert Lounge Norwich’s new sign. Wanting to stand out from the crowd, we were asked to create a 3D sign making the logo element stand forward of the exiting illuminated tray. Creating layers in Adobe Illustrator for each part of the sign we soon had it in out 3D package to see how it would all come together. With the smallest of tweaks based on feedback from the sign company a final set of artwork was created and it was over to Fitt Signs & Graphics to craft the new face for the Dessert Lounge Norwich.

Dessert Lounge 3D Extruded Signage Design


Can you do menus?

As we were involved with most things with the Norwich Smokehouse the next part of the journey with DLN was to create the new menu design, As the saying goes you “eat with your eyes” the task was to make the menu as eye catching as possible. Time to have some fun with the layout and new branding! Not normally a fan of ramming a menu full of images we took a different stance with the menu this time. Adding in instantly recognisable logos for all to delicious shakes DLN would be selling makes the mouth water. We are certainly looking forward to trying each and every one of them!

Dessert Lounge Norwich COG media menu design

Animated preview for the 4 panel menu indicating folds and opening


Digital Menu Screens

Taking the menu designs to the next level DLN had 6 50″ screens installed in the shop. 5 spanning the whole of the rear wall. We lifted the Adobe InDesign layouts and dropped them into for format that was more suited to the 16:9 screen format. Trying both animated and still content the screens will look amazing and be a great addition to the brand and customer experience.  Adobe After Effects allowed us to come up with some subtle overlays and effects to bring the menus to life. 

Dessert Lounge Norwich Digital Menu Screens


One door closes and another one opens

Its been an amazing journey so far working as part of the team bringing Dessert Lounge Norwich to life. It’s great when a client includes you in design decisions and keeps you updated along the way on the transformations moving forward incorporating our designs.

Dessert Lounge Norwich Branded Face Masks

Even though we are coming out of the other side of COVID the guys at DLN have safe in mind, branded facemasks for all the staff while serving customers. 

Mobility Brand and Website update

Mobility Brand and Website update

After the even if we say so ourselves “sterling job” we did for sister company BATHlifts.net the guys at Relax Mobility tasked us with their brand and website update. Drawing on the look and theme from the Bathlifts website the user expectance was a simple process. So it was on to the logo and colour scheme to set the brand rules for the website update.

Keeping the same font across the both brands with a colour change for the Relax Mobility logo we added an avatar this time which was incorporated into the text of the logo. With recline a major part of all the products a reclined chair element became the X of relax. The client was unsure at first but was the logo was dropped in on the website header and marking materials the penny dropped and the logo was put to bed.

Relax Mobility Logo

When’s a shop not a shop

Because of the nature of the products sold by Relax Mobility customers would require a home visit from one of their sales team to run thru the options, designs and fabrics available for both beds and chairs. With demo units and fabric books even Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen would be proud of customers can pick some funky colour schemes and bespoke finishes so their mobility furniture doesn’t have to have that care home look, perfect for the younger customer. To all the website to still function as a eCommerce site we had all the forward facing products listed as portfolios instead of products. This would allow the customers to read up and view all the benefits of the rise and recline products and then using the call to actions book and in home free visit. 

Once a bed or chair had been selected the sales team can log into the site to gain access to the eCommerce part of the site. With all the variations and various discount structures all at the click of a dropdown and selection from a plethora of options and upgrades and accessories. A payment gateway allows for deposits and payments in full to be and with order forms and VAT handovers all being printed out onsite. Siting down with Mark to get an understand for the sales journey for both the client and sales person allowed us to work out the best and simplest route to market.

Need brand and website update?

COG media can help you get your company web site designed and start selling to the world. Contact our web design team today and get our offer on website hosting! 

    Norwich Smokehouse Takeaway Brand

    Norwich Smokehouse

    Continuing our design services for the owner of Award Winning Take Thai we were pleased to be asked to come up with the branding for Andy’s new venture… A smokehouse takeaway called Norwich Smokehouse

    Its all about the brand

    Andy was after a strong and simple logo design which could developed to allow for expansion in the future. With no avatar or imagery and simple colour scheme of black, white and vibrant orange for the logo, clean text based concepts were designed trying a few font variations. With a couple of logo candidates in the bag, mock-ups of signage on the new premises proved the logo would stand out to passing traffic. While we were at it Andy had us try out different styles and colour schemes for the shop exterior. This proved that less is defiantly more allowing the sticking orange of the logo to do all the talking.


    Inside and Out Design

    With a clean canvas and a massive shop space for the new takeaway Andy had big plans to modify the interior to suit his needs better. So it was off to the shop to get a few photos and get an idea of what could be done to the space. With time against us instead of measuring up and creating a 3D environment Andy sat with us as we build up walls and themed up the shop area to reflect the nature of the food he’s be selling.

    Norwich Smokehouse Interior Before Norwich Smokehouse Interior Mockup
    Norwich Smokehouse Interior After



    Normal service had been resumed

    With a stop gap menu used for a soft launch we were back on the case producing the menu for Andy. With a lot more space to play with we had a bit of fun with the initial designs incorporating with wood theme used in the shop . This spread in the social media content. New menu animations were used to showcase new dishes and tweaks to the launch dishes.



    Off site support


    Expanding the services we supply to Andy we’ve now added EPOS programming. The system Norwich Smokehouse have gone for is powerful but not the easiest to populate so we stepped up to the plate (forgive the pun) and took on the editing and additions to the growing menu. When the restaurant was getting ready to open, doors were open and all the trades were in and out so it wasn’t the warmest work places. So harnessing the power of remote access through TeamViewer we could make all the changes we needed in the comfort and warmth of our studio. 

    Norwich Smokehouse EPOS

    Norwich Vegan Takeaway Vegan Wok Logo Embroidery

    Norwich Vegan Takeaway Vegan Wok Logo Embroidery

    Norwich’s newest vegan takeaway Vegan Wok came to COG media to design there company brand from the ground up.

    Firstly establishing the brand we would need to supply logo embroidery, menu design and shop signage and social media imagery.

    Takeaway Logo Design


    With a very clear idea on what they needed Vegan Wok gave us the design brief. Showing healthy animal free ingredients being tossed in a traditional wok. As Vegan Wok cooks dishes from the Far East a font style was used to complaint the region. Dropping the  “O” from Wok we dropped the avatar element of the logo in its place. In no time at all and with only a couple of concepts needed  the rest of the brand could start.

    Logo Embroidery


    As with all out logos Vegan Woks logo was embroidery ready. No overlays and every element cut out from the backdrop means for easy conversion to stitches. After that it was off to the embroiders to be stitched to the work wear.

    Trott Rentals New Logo

    Trott Rental New Logo Design

    Having produced logos for Chris of Trott Rentals in the past we were proud as punch when he approached us to design the new Trott Rentals logo ahead on their 30th anniversary. We are always excited to work on projects with little to no guidelines, and this was no exception. With such a big milestone coming up for Trott Rentals we were honoured to have been chosen to design the logo and be trusted to design it without a specification, the only thing Chris asked us to keep the same were the original colours, other than that we had free rein on the logo revival. After a lot of drafts we finally came to the conclusion that we needed a more modern logo to fit in with the age of technology and the ever increasing modernisation of vehicles. We are looking forward to seeing our artwork out on the road!Continue reading