Animation can explain whatever the mind of man can conceive
Never more so has animation been a vital tool in marketing. With attention spans getting shorter and shorter grabbing potential clients eye with an animated video has become a marketing must.
Animation is regarded as one of the best methods to transform your ideas to an attention grabbing marketing tool. With no acting talent, voice overs artist or location filming budgets can be keep low. With all major social media platforms allowing video content your animated message will be hard to ignore.
Animated film and animation has now increased by 86% since 2001 and some of the most memorable films and TV shows are now fully animated. This has caused a creative explosion causing Advertising to take notice and start producing recognisable character animations to make their product more friendly. Causing a wow factor in an advert can cause people to refer to said advertising for the style and replay-ability of the video. Lots of companies now have their own animated mascot promoting their brand which can be emulated by companies big and small.
Give the people what they want
COGmedia’s in house animation production team has over 30 years experience of animating for video games, cinema, online viral videos and company promotional material. The team works from a strong client brief, storyboarding our ideas, producing a first draft and creating final video content. Fully optimised video ready for use websites and social media, on-the-box, ready for presentations, point of sale and viral marketing.
Animation Production
With the rise of video platforms like YouTube, Vimeo and social media, any business can now have a professional advert broadcast all over the world. Some of the most memorable adverts of all time have been animated with notable specimens being Comparethemarket’s Meerkats, Apple’s iPod dance and the Olympic 2012 promotional material. Here at Cog media, we can build you the advert of your dreams to promote your business to a global market.