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Web site update we can solve it

wecansolvit web site update

When one of our clients came to us with an urgent need to rebrand and get a new web site update designed we jumped on the task. Requiring just a name change Savi Recruitments old logo element could be recycled for the new brand. Our good friends as Savi Recruitment were required to go thru a name change earlier this year… wanting to keep it “the same but different” we could re use the colour scheme and logo element that had already served the company well. Becoming SolvIt Recruitment a funky domain name was chosen… is now the new home for Scott and his team. A short and quirky name will allow the new web site be rememberable. Keeping the new web site clean and simple its an easy task to find the job you’re looking for then get hold of the Solvit team.

Need rebrand and website update?

COG media can help you get your company web site designed and start selling to the world. Contact our web design team today and get our offer on website hosting!